To convert a fraction into a decimal, divide the top number by the bottom number. What about with denominators that don't divide into 10, 100 or 1000, such as 7? You still divide the denominator into the numerator, no matter what the numbers are.
Step-by-step explanation:
hope this helps and good luck;)
Answer: 50.4537849152
Hope this helped!
- Choice B) y = (1/4)x
- The unit rate is <u> 3.89 </u> dollars per pound. It costs <u> 23.34 </u> dollars for a turkey that weighs 6 pounds.
- Direct proportional equations are always in the form y = kx, where k is some constant. In the case of choice B, we have k = 1/4. Visually, direct proportion equations are always straight lines and go through the origin.
- Divide $34.99 over 9 to get 34.99/9 = 3.88777 approximately. This rounds to 3.89, so it costs $3.89 per pound. That's the unit rate. Multiply this by 6 to get 6*3.89 = 23.34 which is the cost of the 6 pound turkey.