less field space will be wasted
The gases and dust particles thrown into the atmosphere during volcanic eruptions have influences on climate. Most of the particles spewed from volcanoes cool the planet by shading incoming solar radiation. The cooling effect can last for months to years depending on the characteristics of the eruption. Volcanoes have also caused global warming over millions of years during times in Earth’s history when extreme amounts of volcanism occurred, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
(hope it helps.)
The main function of white blood cells is to help protect the human body from infection as well as other foreign materials. White blood cells are also known as leukocytes, and they develop in bone marrow from stem cells. There are five different types of white blood cells<span>, including neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils.</span>
how does a tumor form?
En general, los tumores ocurren cuando las células se dividen y se multiplican excesivamente en el cuerpo. Normalmente, el cuerpo controla la división y el crecimiento de las células.
In general, tumors occur when cells divide and multiply excessively in the body. Normally, the body controls the division and growth of cells.
Watson and Crick proposed the double helical model of DNA.
- This model says that DNA exist as double helix. It has two polynucelotide strands running in opposite direction i.e the strands are anti-parallel.
- Each polynucleotide strand is made up of several nucleotide liknked together by phophodiester bonds.
- The two strands are not coiled upon each other but the double strand is coiled upon itself around a common axis like the spiral stair case. Here base pairs forms the stairs and backbone of two strands form railing. Back bone contains sugar and phosphate.
- The base pairing is specific, adenine always pairs with thymine and guanine always pairs with cytosine. Thus if we see any base pair, it consists of one purine and one pyrimidine.
- The two strands of DNA thus show complementary base pairing.
- The strands are held together because of hydrogen bonding between the bases in opposite strand.
- One full helical turn involves ten base pairs and the base pairs are stacked 3.4 A apart.
- This form is called as B-form of DNA.