Getting questions correct.
Asking questions in class.
Answering questions.
That’s type of stuff
Answer: Yee
Explanation: I give free points too. If I feel like it.
I actually post quite difficult questions that yield quite a large amount of points.
Or simple, small questions that yield like, 5 points.
he treat him very well and
Freak The Mighty
Freak The Mighty what is the main setting of Freak The Mighty with a quote from the text
Yes, I have, It was Mabel from "Gravity Falls." She wanted to make summer last longer/Forever for all of her adventures to continue and never end, and to have fun with her brother and grandpa/uncle stan. The bad severely outweighed the good. People died, were turned into stone, hade their facial features moved around and had to live in fear for a while before things were cleaned up. All of this caused people to be scarred for life, never able to forget such an event. But when things return to normal, she learned a lesson and was fine with going home and summer ending.
(104 words)