I know it had something to do with the Indian. look up Punjab region.
Weather could make it so its safer to drive at lower speeds rather than higher ones. Hydroplaning can happen while driving at high speeds with water covering the roads. And usually just on a normal day, traveling at the speed limit is permissible, using common sense. When you're driving, you have to be aware of all environmental circumstances and base your driving off of that.
One group Sifton believed to be the ideal immigrant was the American farmer. He thought that they made for excellent settlers as they would already be equipped to deal with North American conditions. Additionally, although Sifton departed from this tradition slightly, British immigrants were still highly valued. Besides that, Sifton saw Central and Eastern European agriculturists as prime candidates for Canadian immigration. He thought that these people, although not traditionally valued, were the ideal settlers for the Prairies especially as they were already familiar with agriculture, rural lifestyle, and harsh climates.
They had to actually collect people who were willing to go, collect enough supplies and Good, weather could have been bad, sickness, lots of people scared to go to a new land
They opposed anticlerical moves end of feudal dues