Eisenhower led the opening phases of the Italian campaig.
He served as the supreme commander of Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy, and took command of subsequent operations in France.
It was decided to a 7-1 majority ruled under the constitutionality of racial segregation laws under the “separate but equal” doctrine
It would be "China" that is currently privatizing by transferring ownership from the public sector to the private sector, since although China remains a communist country, it understands well the benefits of a certain amount of capitalism.
It is England, the United States and China (A).
I got this from Brittinica.com and these are the most important details from it:
'Open Door policy, statement of principles initiated by the United States in 1899 and 1900 for the protection of equal privileges among countries trading with China and in support of Chinese territorial and administrative integrity.The principle that all countries should have equal access to any of the ports open to trade in China. But after Japan’s defeat in World War II (1945) and the communist victory in China’s civil war (1949), which ended all special privileges to foreigners, made the Open Door policy meaningless.
I hope this was helpful.