Just draw a dot and cross diagram showing covalent bonding between sodium and chlorine.
Answer: The omnivorous flock will eat the most as it eats both insects and seeds. With the removal of fruit it will not be affected much. The herbivorous flock will eat the least as it has the option to eat seeds only after the removal of fruit. The flocks all started with 10 birds. Flock was X the most successful at feeding, so it will have the greatest number in the second generation. brainliest?
"the act of placing multiple text elements side by side to compare them"
the definition of juxtaposition is "the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect."
Answer: unfavourable ph condition for the pepsin
Explanation: during digestion, enzymes are needed to aid the process.digestive enzymes are biological catalyst that breakdown large food particles into digestible form .
As biological catalyst, enzymes require an optimum temperature and pH condition.outside this temperature or pH,the enzyme is denatured.
In the stomach, hydrochloric acid is required to convert pepsinogen into it's active form,pepsin.the acid also creates an optimum low pH that pepsin needs to function.
As the food moves to the small intestine,the pH is alkaline and is unfavourable for pepsin to function.
Increased immigration.
Immigration = moving TO and area