1. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we turned down the winding road.
2. It was the first time I had ever seen a ferris wheel in person.
3. The lights dazzled me as I anxiously waited in line.
4. Finally, I heard "Next!"
5. I strapped myself in, and before I knew it, I was high in the night sky.
6. The breeze in my face felt incredible, and I wanted to ride again.
Each stanza contains 3 lines :)
Cases of abuse and violence are often not reported because the victims are scared, or the victims are ashamed. These are the two most important reasons. Also, consider that they may feel worthless, and do not think that anyone will listen. And there is learned helplessness that comes into the equation after a very long amount of time of such abuse and violence, so the victims simply accept that this is the way it's supposed to be, they deserve it, and nothing will ever help them, because this is the way it's supposed to be.