Answer:A haiku is shorter than a limerick and does not rhyme. A haiku has less rules and so is easier to write than a limerick A haiku is normally not funny, and a limerick is. A limerick has more of a chance to make your laugh than a haiku.
I believe that's informal writing.
I think the questions that must be ask are:
a.What does “encryption” mean?
d.What are “key distribution problems”?
All the text is based on the concept "encryption" so it is very important to know what it means in order to undestand the rest of the information. If not, you will be missing important facts. In addition, there are a lot of words used that are derived from this one, so you won't be able to undestand them.
Another important concept that gives a lot of information just by knowing it's meaning is "key distribution problems", they could be two or a thousand, it is important to know what they are and what they do.
The other question that seems important is the one of the "public key cryphtography" but this one can be inferred by the context.
The correct answer is metaphor.
A metaphor is a rhetorical figure of speech where two or more things are symbolically compared, without using the words such as like or as (because that would be a simile). This whole poem is symbolical/metaphorical - it talks about the passage of time and how everything is transient and fleeting.
He tells him that only God knows the future like it's obvious