The important issues was Democracy.
The South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation, or SAARC, is an economic and geopolitical organization that was established to promote socio-economic development, stability, and welfare economics, and collective self-reliance within its member nations.
The Second New Deal differ from the First one as it focused more on jobs and those who could not work
Answer: Option A
The Second New deal was primarily focused on the safety of workers and the development of long-lasting financial securities to drag out the nation from the economical crisis and be well-prepared for future endeavours.
The Works Progress Administration formed, employed millions of American in government projects to enhance the development of the nation along with the distribution of better job opportunities and wages.
Besides this, the Wagner Labor Relations Act, the Social Security Act, Fair Labor Standards Act also helped in grooming the nation by excelling the stature of living and working under pre-defined set of rules to work.
The correct answer here would be the second option, Louis XIV.
Louis XIV was one the greatest French rulers that existed and he ruled France from 1643 to 1715. He was loved by his people and he was also known as Louis the Great and the Sun King. During his reign France was European power. Besides that he was able to provide his people with the law and order.