A - Bush told the American people that there was evidence that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction.
C - As soon as US forces ousted Saddam Hussein, a civil war in Iraq began, which Bush didn't plan
The Middle colonies had rich soil and a good climate for growing crops. As a result, they were able to produce more food than they could consume. As a result they were able to export wheat and other grains to Europe. The middle colonies became known as "the breadbasket colonies". Farmers would ship their goods to the large port cities of New York and Philadelphia. Many farmers lived along the Hudson and Delaware Rivers, or other large waterways, which made shipments possible.
Farmers in Pennsylvania developed a wagon called the Conestoga, which was pulled by up to eight horses and was used to haul food to market areas.
The farmers in the south were divided into two groups: There were owners of large farms and plantation, who owned hundreds of acres of land. There were also small farmers, who had small farms often not even owning the land they worked. Tobacco, rice and indigo were the main crops grown in the southern colonies . All of these were cash crops, sold for money. The crops were usually exported from the colony. The production of these corps required large numbers of workers. As a result, the plantations in the south relied on slaves to do much of the work on their farms.
The land in New England was poor and difficult to farm. The farmers in New England had to first clear stones from their fields before they could begin to farm. Those stones can be seen today. The poor soil made farming difficult. The growing season was short; there was only enough time to plant one crop such as corn. Most farmers could do no more than what is called substance farming. That meant that farmers could produce only enough for them to eat and live on. Initially, farmhouses were one large room in which the family would cook, live, and sleep. As time went on, slowly, these houses were slowly expanded.
It can be said that many Americans did not view President Wilson's goal of establishing an international peacekeeping organization after world War 1 very well, as Wilson was defeated in the election that took place after the war. During the War, the Americans were ready to take all kinds of pain for the country to win the war,
The Jewish view of God
A summary of what Jews believe about God
God exists
There is only one God
There are no other gods
God can't be subdivided into different persons (unlike the Christian view of God)
Jews should worship only the one God
God is Transcendent:
God is above and beyond all earthly things.
God doesn't have a body
Which means that God is neither female nor male.
God created the universe without help
God is omnipresent:
God is everywhere, all the time.
God is omnipotent:
God can do anything at all.
God is beyond time:
God has always existed
God will always exist.
God is just, but God is also merciful
God punishes the bad
God rewards the good
God is forgiving towards those who mess things up.
God is personal and accessible.
God is interested in each individual
God listens to each individual
God sometimes speaks to individuals, but in unexpected
John Adams is the 2nd prez.