This bipartisan reauthorization extended and modified certain programs that form the core of the Department of Justice's efforts to prevent and prosecute human trafficking and protect the victims of trafficking, forced labor, and modern slavery, as well as the Department of Labor's efforts to better document and deter
Hope this helps! :)
D. tierra caliente, tierra templada, tierra fria, tierra helada.
The Latin American region has its own unique names for the elevation zones based on the climate. The lowest of them is the tierra caliente, characterized with lowlands and hills covered with dense tropical forests, and hot weather. The tierra caliente is the second, located between 1,000 and 2,000 meters, being still part of the tropical climate, but being cooler and more pleasant, which is why there are lot of big cities on this elevation. The tierra fria is located further up, up to 3,000 meters, and it is colder, dominated with grasslands, and the living conditions are not the best. The top elevation zone is the tierra helada, located in the highest parts of the Andes, being dominated by barren mountain slopes, strong winds, and cold climate.
The Government of Ontario has created Ontario’s Great Lakes Strategy. The Strategy focuses on empowering action by all partners on Great Lakes – from provincial ministries to local service clubs – and on restoring Great Lakes water, beaches and coastal areas. It aims to conserve biodiversity and deal with invasive species. The Strategy supports science to guide our Great Lakes work and addresses the need for climate change adaptation.
The Amazon Basin is located in brazil. For centuries, this has protected the area, people, and the animals residing in it. Forest recession has occurred in the past 30 years due to increased industry and population growth through road projects, settlement initiatives, and industrial development.
The Amazon Basin includes a diversity of traditional inhabitants as well as biodiversity in both flora and fauna. These peoples have lived in the rain forest for thousands of years, and their lifestyles and cultures are well-adapted to this environment. Contrary to popular belief, their subsistence living methods do not significantly harm the environment. In the past few decades, the real threat to the Amazon Basin has been deforestation, poaching, and cattle ranching by transnational corporations.
Oil and gas development often also takes a heavy toll on the environment and local people; especially in rainforest areas where it can cause displacement of local people, air and water pollution, and construction of roads that open previously inaccessible areas to deforestation.
That said, even a new NASA study shows that over the last 20 years, the atmosphere above the Amazon Basin has been drying out, increasing the demand for water and leaving ecosystems vulnerable to fires and drought. It also shows that this increase in dryness is primarily the result of human activities.
Summary: all impacts caused by human development in the Amazon Basin is causing the atmosphere to go bad, the crops and indigenous plants to die at alarming rates, the water to be polluted, and the animals and humans who are indigenous of the area suffer the consequences.