6:45 PM
Accroding to Timezone standard, New York in United States of America is One Hour behind of Sao Paulo in Brazil.
Hence, Jose moving from Sao Paulo at 4:45 PM means the actual time in New York at the time of the starting the flight is 3:45 PM.
Therefore, after three hours of flight from Sao Paulo (Brazil) to New York, Jose would land in New York (United States of America) at exactly 6:45 PM
Answer: Employee benefits.
Employee benefits are the non-salary compensation given by organizations to employees in order to give the potential employee a competitive package. It includes different types of non-wage compensation that are provided to workers in addition to their wages or salaries.
Examples of such benefits include insurance (dental, health or life), housing, retirement benefits, sick leave, disability income, vacation, profit sharing and student loan.
The aim of employee benefit is to improve employee retention by increasing staff members economic security.
Sustainable development involves meeting the needs of the present without sacrificing the ability of future generations to meet their own need.
<h3>What is Sustainable development ?</h3>
Sustainable development serves as the term that refers to idea that human societies must live and meet their needs.
And this meeting of needs must be done without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Learn more about Sustainable development at;
The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by your question is the second choice.
The executive department created after the 9/11 attack on the United States is the Department of Homeland Security.
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