Chicago is the only airport in the United States, thus making the city of Chicago as well, that has direct flights to six continents. This makes this airport the best connected in the United States, offering direct flights to North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia & Oceania. The only continent left to which there's no direct flight is Antarctica, with the reasons being the small interest, but much more the safety concerns as Antarctica is not the best place to have flights to considering its weather conditions. Chicago is actually only one of five cities in the world that has an airport that offers direct flights to six continents, being in the company of London, Dubai, Johannesburg, and Doha.
arrow b is pointing twards the mediterranean and italy is true
A) Force of gravity acting evenly in all directions around the center of mass
planets are round due to the strong gravitational force, As well as the earths rotation
The Ottoman Empire was the largest Empires in history.
Muslim Turks created the Ottoman Empire and it became a very powerful states
It was an empire motivated and supported by Islam and by the Islamic institutions.
Ottoman Empire was a superpower that existed for six hundred thirty-four years and it was the largest empires to govern the boundaries of the Mediterranean Sea.
Titan and makemake
are not dwarf planets