An organism can't chose to have a mutation because it depends on the way they are born. If they are missing some type of mineral, (Protein, Vitamin, etc.) they will have a mutation because they're missing that. Well, something similar to a mutation is natural selection and genes. For example, there are some short and tall giraffes. The tall ones can reach the tree and the short ones can't so they die and the tall ones can reproduce and their offspring will inherit that trait
38.2M Cases and 1.09M Deaths.
The Outbreak started in China and spreaded into the United States and is now a pandemic.
Theophrastus is known as the 'father of botany'.
Perfectly in theory, except there is chance involved
The Punnet square is a diagram that allows scientists to predict the possible outcomes of the offspring when the genotypes of the parents are known. This is in line with Mendel's principles, and from a theoretical point of view would match up perfectly. However, it all works based on <em>probability</em>.
However, inheritance is always down to chance. Of your parents 2 alleles, you always have 50:50 chance of inheriting one of the allele. Overall, this is what is predicted in punnet squares.
However, think about flipping a coin. There is always 50:50 chance of getting heads, but that doesn't mean it is impossible to flip a coin and get tails 10 x in a row. It is just less likely. So in reality, observations might deviate from the theory.