This will work for most languages, but this is mainly for c#. Double check what language your using before putting in this answer.
Console.WriteLine("What grade are you in?");
int grade = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
if (grade == 9)
if (grade == 10)
if (grade == 11)
if (grade == 12)
if (grade < 8)
Console.WriteLine("Not in High School");
The first line asks what grade are you in, then when the user types in the grade it saves it in a variable. We then use that variable for the conditionals. The conditional states, whatever grade level your in, it prints your high school year title. If anything is lower than 8, it will print not in high school.
Democracy is the best form of government simply because no other form of government is known to work well. Democracy may have its flaws but all in all it .
299,792,458 metres per second
The code will produce:-
In this code the result of the arithmetic operation is stored in the variable c.On evaluating the expression it divides 12.0 by 5 which results in 2.4 and it is stored in float variable c.Then it is printed on the screen using print statement.Since the c is double variable so the result will be a decimal number.
Hence the answer is 4.