You can use the song "Queendom" from Aurora.
This is a very poetic song and full of meanings, metaphors, rhymes and figurative language that will greatly enrich your reading plan.
Basically, the song talks about creating an ideal world, where the most disadvantaged people (in the world we live in) have the strength required to obtain privileged places in this new world. In addition, the music has a strong symbolism about equality, preservation of the environment, among other very important points so that it is possible that we live in harmony.
While I don’t believe this should be debate in a school setting (no matter the grade) because this is a serious thing for most people, I think that they should be taught and raised the same.
Evry child, boy or girl,should have the same resources and upbringing asone another. I get that there are some sensitive topics that are reserved for one one rather than the other however, teaching these things to both can reduce insensitivity toward the other. If they understand it better they won’t make fun of it as much. This is similar to the Dunning-Kruger effect. People who have less ability at something only judge others rather than themselves. For example, only girls learning about certain hygiene and other facts are helpful and can make then feel more comfortable talking about it. However, boys make fun of/teasse girls when they go throught those things often because they dont go throught it or dont understand it.
Some kids can’t have the same upbring based on their parents or other causes, may it be economic or domestic, however in public (places like schools or daycares) we should still teach the same values. Every kid should know right from wrong, to be kind and helpful and how to properly express themselves.
AHH I'm sorry I forgot I had an appointment. This is 213 words, I didn't have time to proofread as I went. Hope this helps at the very least!
This is a very opininated answer. ACT and SAT tests are standardized tests like many others. One test should not define a persons intelligence or knowledge. First, the SAT/ACT have specificallly "book smart" problems. This means that generally just because you do good on one of these tests, doesn't mean you are a problem solver. Another problem with the accuracy for these tests is the fact that it is one test. Someone may be a horrible test taker but get all A's. These tests do not accurately measure intelligence as well as many other things.
Answer:So teachers usually want you to start with a hook so my idea about a pilot would be ¨How would it be if someone you knew flew or operated and airplane!¨ stuff like that :)