coz as human beings we need food so we depend on it
As part of this policy, Nixon signed the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty and SALT I, two landmark arms control treaties with the Soviet Union. Nixon promulgated the Nixon Doctrine, which called for indirect assistance by the United States rather than direct U.S. commitments as seen in the ongoing Vietnam War.
Las principales funciones de la macroeconomía son la recopilación, organización y análisis de datos; determinar la renta nacional; y formular políticas económicas adecuadas para mantener el crecimiento económico y el pleno empleo en un país en desarrollo.
Answer:Appropriate Technology is used to solve technological problems throughout the world, by providing sustainable solutions which are beneficial to the local community, and which are sensitive to the need to reduce environmental pollution, by using renewable sources of energy and recycling materials wherever possible.please mark as brainliest
Great Plains! There is also the Ozark Plateau