War tends to disrupt traditional norms surrounding gender and sexuality, and the First World War between 1914-1918 was no exception. Keep in mind, the U.S. did not become involved in the war until 1917.
During World War I, many women entered the workforce for the first time. With significant numbers of men away in Europe, women were needed in various capacities. It is believed over 20,000 women worked as nurses during the war. Others worked in clerical positions for the U.S. Government. Telephone and radio operators were also common positions for women.
On the home front, women assumed greater responsibility in public life as significant portions of the male population were 'over there' (as Europe was referred to during that time). Women too young or unable to work helped the war effort in various ways, such as planting 'victory' gardens.
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President Roosevelt aims to instill hope and inspire citizens to help in the efforts of war.
Americans honor Franklin D Roosevelt as the leader who guided them out of the 1930's Great recession and through history's biggest global war. As an author of drastic change in his culture, he ranks among Jefferson, Lincoln, and Wilson.
The words of his inaugural speech on 4 March 1933 are once again echoing throughout the world: ' We must just fear ourselves, the nameless unreasonable, unreasonable terror that paralyzes required efforts to translate retreat forward. '
The American people voted Roosevelt President by a broad margin in 1932, at their pinnacle with the Great recession and the opposition candidate, Herbert Hoover, unable of effecting any change or inspiring hope.
While the recession was less than over, the very first term reforms in banking, healthcare, unemployment, job relief, and retirement FDR offered a sense of security and hope for millions they had never before known.