Definición de nómada y sedentario: las personas nómadas viajan de un lugar a otro y no hacen asentamientos permanentes. El estilo de vida sedentario o, de lo contrario, el sedentarismo se puede definir como una sociedad o forma de vida en la que las personas se establecen permanentemente en un lugar.
Members of congress often resist taking action to limit presidential power because if they belong to the same party, they would not want to interfere with the actions of the president, for sharing the same ideals and the same political objectives, usually the majority is sought in the congress to act with greater freedom with respect to the state policy proposed by the president.
Ultimately the Protestant Reformation led to modern democracy, skepticism, capitalism, individualism, civil rights, and many of the modern values we cherish today. The Protestant Reformation increased literacy throughout Europe and ignited a renewed passion for education.
i believe the answer is true.