The above statement is in c++ which display the value of count .The cout statement is used in c++ to print the value on console .
Following are the code in c++
#include <iostream> // header file
using namespace std; // namespace
int main() // main method
int count=90; // count variable
cout<<count; // display the value of count
return 0;
In this program we have declared a count variable of integer type which is initialized by 90 and finally displays the value of count on the screen.
They began in ancient times the babylons started trading
An Access Control Matrix ACM can be defined as a table that maps the permissions of a set of subjects to act upon a set of objects within a system. The matrix is a two-dimensional table with subjects down the columns and objects across the rows. The permissions of the subject to act upon a particular object are found in the cell that maps the subject to that object.
The rows correspond to the subject
The columns correspond to the object
What does each cell in the matrix contain? Answer: Each cell is the set of access rights for that subject to that object.
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