what am I supposed answer
The wages that you make, after taxes have been taken out, is called your net pay
Parkour (or art of displacement) is a discipline that consists of moving through the urban or natural environment, overcoming the obstacles that arise in your journey (fences, walls, buildings) in the most fluid and efficient way possible, and with the only possibilities of the human body. Parkour consists of going from one place to another as quickly as possible, similar to the free race. The last one, on the other hand, emphasizes freedom of movement. Both sports involve running, climbing and jumping walls, railings and buildings.
Sport is understood as a regulated activity, usually of a competitive nature, that can improve the physical condition of those who practice it. It has properties that differentiate it from the game. Who develops it has fun competing and achieving personal goals. It also stimulates growth in equipment and achieving true sport spirit. It is a healthy and sociable activity in which you can see roles development and loyal competition. But it is necessary, jump buildings to have fun. I believe that the boredom of the human being reached its maximum point and the objective of sport has already been lost sight of. It simply seeks to stand out, call attention, ridiculous eccentricity. To the point of putting life at risk.
In Part I, surviving Mirabal sister Dedé relates the story of how her sisters first came to political awareness. Minerva performs in a play where she portrays the figure of Liberty and aims an imaginary arrow at Trujillo's heart.
•In Part II, the Mirabal sisters become embroiled in the resistance movement attempting to overthrow Trujillo. Patria joins the movement after witnessing a massacre carried out by Trujillo's forces.•Part III ends abruptly as three of the sisters journey to visit two of their husbands, who've been detained in a remote prison. In the epilogue, their brutal deaths are recounted, and Alvarez makes brief mention of the fact that Trujillo is ousted a few years later.