a pronoun just substutes a specfic names or nouns, instead of "Stacy took Stacy's book off the shlef" you would say "Stacy took her book of the self."
So I think at this point its quite clear... The American Dream has died... it was buried back sometime between 1955 and 1995 depending on who you talk to...But one thing is for certain, which is that its never coming back; not in its more traditional white picket fence, and solid corporate job form anyhow. And I for one am ecstatic....! Not for the total lack of economic security aspect, (which is distressing) but for the fact that people will be forced for once in their lives to try and define what it is that they really want out of life. Hope this helps!
I think Yeats wants his daughter to “think opinions are accursed” so that she doesn’t give in to other people’s thought’s about her. It is so hard to ignore other people’s opinions, but once she sees them as accursed, she won’t worry so much. This might differ if he had a son because boys are often not judged as much, and treated differently than girls. Normally, the negative opinion’s from other’s won't impact their reputation as much as a girl’s would be impacted.
Explanation: not sure if it's right lol and also is this ms pannecouk's hw hahahaha
Answer: Once upon a time, there was a wrench bird that housed on a metal tree. The tree was annoyed by the bird after it pooped white balls that hatch into microbirds that were new to the world that were very noisy with their chreep chreep sound. The tree decided to shake to dance to pitch the bird to the house of a human named Smiley. Smiley saw that the bird was sad that had no house to live in so he decided to adopt the bird and its babies. The bird lived cheerly and so did babies. THE END!