Estas son algunas proyecciones que preservan la distancia desde algún punto o línea estándar: 1 Equirectangular: se conservan las distancias a lo largo de los meridianos. 2 placas carrée: una proyección equirrectangular centrada en el ecuador. 3 Equidistant azimuthal: se conservan las distancias a lo largo de los grandes círculos que irradian desde el centro. 4 cónicas equidistantes.
When population grows, so does consumption. When consumption grows, it make more demand to the environment that make the resources consumed
Transfer of heat when the two obejects are touching
A. Egypt
The Hebrew traditions say that a men named Moses was the one that led the Hebrews out of Egypt and into the Promised Land, somewhere around 1250 BCE. According to the legend, Moses was a men that communicated with God, so he was well respected among the Hebrews. Because the Hebrews were enslaved by the Egyptians and treated very badly, they wanted to escape into freedom, but were afraid to do so. Moses was not afraid though, and he openly stood up to the pharaoh and led the Hebrews out of Egypt successfully, eventually reaching the Promised Land.
The existence of Moses as a historical figure is disputed by the historians though, as there are no evidence of any sort that he actually existed, so he is thought to be a mythological figure. On the other hand, it is thought that there is a possibility that a men with this name existed in the 13th century BCE, and that he was well respected and had some leading role among the Hebrews, so latter numerous things, often exaggerated, were attributed to him.
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