When Scheme is a pure functional language, it cannot include the function DISPLAY. Since the pure functional languages will return the same value whenever the same expression is evaluated, and the DISPLAY would be the output and thus it cannot be part of the purely functional language. Thus in the pure functional language we can evaluate the expressions with the same arguments and it returns the same value since there is no state to change.
Health informatics is an interdisciplinary field which incorporates theory and methodology from fields in computer science is True.
To capture patient health information they used interdisciplinary field which is consists patient information and they diseases and cure treatment taken for that patient. All information is store in digital formatted.
The patient information is stored such as health informatics, nurse and doctor treatment, health treatment, medicine details, clinics information.
Health informatics are used to do further analysis on patient health. Doctors are using this information for their further treatment for their patient also.
Information are also can be used as IOT information so that patient information are readily available.
What are you trying to say?
it is complex
employees are not involved
According to the Google guys, the company's name comes from the word 'googol' which is actually a number invented by Milton Sirotta. Probably the Google name is related to the number of the results provided by the search technology which is usually huge.
"The name 'Google' is a play on the word 'googol,' coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner. A 'googol' refers to the number represented by a 1 followed by 100 zeros. It's a very large number. In fact, there isn't a googol of anything in the universe