It provided Spain with free Native-American labor to produce more crops cheaply.
The Spanish collected tributes and crops from Native Americans, whom they forced to work for them. Because they didn't have to pay them like they would have to with Spanish laborers, they could harvest more crops for trade and export for a lower cost. This built Spain's economy, allowing even more power and conquest of the New World.
Vibrio cholerae bacteria.
Cholera is a severe diarrheal sickness caused by the V. cholerae bacterium infecting the bowel. When people consume cholera-contaminated food and water, they can become ill. The illness is frequently moderate or asymptomatic, but it can also be severe and life-threatening.
Eichmann trial was different in several ways. The public could, for the first time, watch coverage of the trial on television. The Eichmann trial brought the true scope of the Holocaust into public focus, filling the pages of newspapers with the stories of Holocaust survivors. While previous trials, including the Nuremberg Trials, had focused primarily on documentary evidence, the Eichmann trial called Holocaust survivors to the stand to share their personal experiences, with approximately 100 survivors taking the stand and testifying during the trial, which lasted from April 1960 until August 1961.
Economic hardship created by the Great Depression
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