D) The ending is ambiguous
It is not known whether the princess's lover opened the door to be devoured by the tiger or the door to the lady he shall wed.
The narrator lets the reader interpret how the story ends with questions such as, "Now, the point of the story is this: Did the tiger come out of that door, or did the lady?" and "And so I leave it with all of you: Which came out of the opened door, --the lady, or the tiger?"
I hope this helped :)
A Map is commonly refered to as a drawing. It shows the direct part of the earth surface from above. There are different types of map. There is the Physcial map that simply shows an individual the landforms and bodies of water in specific areas, Political Map which highlights varous features humans have created such as the boundaries between states, provinces e. t. c. Map helps us to find the shortest route between two places without getting lost.
Cartographers in their designs uses visual hierarchy to highlight( makes bigger) the more important parts of a map and the the ones with little/tiny importance are marked by creating a layering of information that is smaller for them.
examples of metaphors I believe
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser(s)" refers to certain people's tendency to turn the biterness and humiliation of losing an argument into personal attacks against the debate opponent and their image.
To <em>slander</em> means to defame, to say false things about someone in an attempt to damage their reputation.
This statement is often attibuted to Greek philosopher Socrates, but there isn't any evidence supporting the fact that he originated the phrase, so it would be best to avoid quoting Socrates in this case, especially in school assignments.
To answer your question conflict shows that the story's events are changing.
* Hope this helps!!!