They can enter your blood stream (via breathing/ingesting) and once in your bloodstream they can enter cells and mutate your dna, which can cause cancer/birth defects/ reproductive harm
This is based on borderline personality disorder which is low levels of activity in anterior cingulate cortex is associated with hoarding behaviors, suicidal behavior that is 7.5% suicide over 20 years old, self-injury 2/3 ; 3/4 stabilize in 10 to 15 years, co-morbid PTSD or mood disorder, at risk for substance abuse and eating disorders, schizotypal personality disorder, might be related to dissociation identity disorder, genes account for 60% variance in developing BPD, lower serotonin function, increased activation of amygdala and disturbed connectivity b/w prefrontal cortex and the amygdala.
The correct answer will be option-C
The plant absorbs the sunlight to perform photosynthesis which helps produce the sugar molecule used by the plants.
The plants absorb maximum sunlight at two wavelengths that are red and blue wavelength by chlorophyll and other pigments. The efficiency of photosynthesis is also measured maximum at these two active wavelengths called action spectrum.
In the given question, since the efficiency of photosynthesis has been discussed which could be measured with the production of oxygen and consumption of carbon dioxide. The experiment performed by the Engelmann showed that aerobic bacteria got concentrated in the blue and red wavelengths as the output of the photosynthesis were observed maximum.
Thus, the selected option is the correct answer.
they are Na+, K+ and Ca2+ ion channels.
Ionotropic acetylcholine receptors are also called nicotinic acetylcholine receptors because beside acetylcholine (Ch) they respond to nicotine. These receptors are primary receptors in muscle for motor nerve-muscle communication that controls muscle contraction.
Two molecules of ACh are required for receptor to open. Since the receptors are linked to ion channels, the channels open. Opening of the channel allows positively charged ions to move across it: sodium enters the cell and potassium exits.
Chlorophyll is a cell that comes from plants not animals.
Chlorophyll is the part of chloroplast and is the light absorbing pigments which provide green color to the plants, but chloroplast traps the solar energy, which is the site of photosynthesis and other chemical reactions and works as the ‘powerhouse of the cell’ like mitochondria.