Jerry owes a duty of slight care, in regards to the parakeet
In this situation since this is a bailment for the sole benefit of the bailor, Jerry owes a duty of slight care, in regards to the parakeet. This refers to the fact that Jerry has a legal obligation to adhere to the rules set forth by Tom and demonstrate a level of reasonable care when performing these rules/tasks, since not doing so may bring harm to the parakeet or Tom. Which by neglecting to make sure that the cage was closed properly the bird is forever gone and Tom is hurt both financially and emotionally from the parakeets loss.
The correct answer is b) Tamure.
The island of Haiti is located in French Polynesia and has as its capital Papeete; the communicating of the isle is the Tahitian language, but its official language is French.
On the island of Haiti, there was a time that a dance known as upa'upa was danced, which was described by the missionaries as ordinary, for which it was forbidden after that Tamure dance emerged.
The Tamure dance is characterized by its rapid movements and acrobatics; it is usually danced on the island by a group of women and men who dress in Tahitian skirts, presents a very moved and sensual rhythm depending on each dancer this is a representative dance of The island of Haiti.
<em>I hope this information can help you.</em>
American founding fathers were concerned with the limits of democracy. Their concerns are similar to those of political philosophers such as John Stuart Mill (<em>On Liberty</em>) and Alexis de Tocqueville (<em>Democracy in America</em>). In particular, they were concerned that an excess of democracy would lead to a “tyranny of the majority.”
The tyranny of the majority refers to a situation in democratic rule where a self-interested majority can put their interests above those of the minority. It is an inherent weakness of majority rule and can lead to the oppression of minorities.
Alexander Hamilton wrote to Thomas Jefferson about this worry after The Constitutional Convention in 1787, and the constitution that was drafted reflects these concerns. The Electoral College is partly a safety mechanism to prevent the democratic victory of a tyrannical despot. Other mechanisms introduced were the Bill of Rights and the division of power, which prevents the centralization of all power in one individual, even a democratically elected one.
Heat is transferred through multiple things, electricity, light, radiation, friction, even freezing things if it is freezed enough.
Answer:This would be an example ofa. snowball sampling
A participant chooses someone else to participate on their behalf in a study or test. This happens in cases where it is not easy to fin the actual potential participants. It is called a snowball because when you roll a ball in an snpw it keeps attaching more snow until it gets bigger. The sampling is done randomly which means it is a non probability sampling
Snowball sampling consists of two steps:
The researcher will choose potential participants which are only few at the beginning. The chosen participants will recruits more participants, they don't have to give names. This recruitment goes on until the desired sample proportion is reached. The participants will only encourage others to come but that is not forced. It can be ethically challenging because subjects can be of sensitive topics
Why is Snowball Sampling Used?
In cases where a research deals with sensitive topics such as cheating, shoplifting, drug use and other deviant societal behaviours, participants may not feel comfortable to come forward. However they may suggest others in similar situation as them and be assured of confidentiality.