Out of Africa theory
This theory is supported by modern research that early primate life begun in Africa and later spread to other parts of the world. several prehistoric sites have been unearthed in the East African region which supports these assertions.
In literature, poetry is defined as the written expression of thoughts and ideas that possesses a rhythmic quality. It is a form of free expression that allows an author - poet - to describe a situation, thought, or narrate a story in a dramatic and a very emotional, sometimes romantic, manner.
There are three main types of poetry: <em>dramatic, lyrical, </em>and <em>narrative</em>. A poem differs from a story due to the presence of rhymes and meters which make this literary device so unique.
In this statement, Maslow is arguing that not all of our needs are equally important. Some needs, such as food or thirst, are our priority, and only when we satisfy these do we begin to think about others such as love and self-esteem.
An example that shows this are people who live in extreme poverty and steal food. People in this situation would rather compromise their safety, freedom and maybe even self-worth in order to satisfy their hunger.
However, some evidence points to the opposite as well. For example, soldiers who join the war do so to fulfill abstract needs such as earning respect and finding meaning, even if this means risking their safety, having little to eat and facing many uncomfortable situations. Another example is athletes. Athletes train to a degree that is uncomfortable and hard. They also limit their food intake to certain types of food in order to achieve goals such as self-fulfillment and a higher self-esteem.
The president 100 years ago was<span> woodrow </span>wilson
The answer is the structural functionalist approach.
Structural functionalism is a theory that sees society as a complex system, often compared to the human body, in which all its different parts have a major role in creating stability.
Regarding drug addiction, this theory explains that people may reccur to drugs in order to escape social pressure.