Between 10 & 15 with 2-4 Exams
Won control of all northern India and much of central India. The Safavid empire strengths: They were rich on trade because of location, Iranian art flourished and strong military?
The Monroe Doctrine was drafted because the U.S. government was worried that European powers would encroach on the U.S. sphere of influence by carving out colonial territories in the Americas.
Answer: Spain.
The Spanish Civil War was described as "dress rehearsal", because the bombing of Spanish cities by Nationalist rebels with the support of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, allowed them to test new weapons later used in World War II, like the He-111 and Do-17 bombers.
Particularly, gruesome was the bombing of Guernica, later depicted in Pablo Picasso´s painting because it was a military air force attack over civilians, which is considered as a war crime.
British North America. In 1860, British North America was made up of scattered colonies (Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, Vancouver Island and British Columbia.