<em>Not sure if it's the right thing but here.</em>
Interaction between species and their environment plays a great role in their normal behaviors and existence. Altering the normal habitat of a species has massive effects on its distribution as well as the normal ecological functioning. Human activities have over the years caused a significant change regarding the normal habitats of both animals and plant species. Human activities such as continued agricultural activities and the rapidly growing urban centers have led to the encroachment of forests. The uncontrolled encroachment has led to the development of isolated forest patches.
<u>Hope this helps!</u>
The proof that cells only come from other cells
He proved it by his "swan-necked flasks" in which nothing formed in sealed flask whereas many organisms were there in open flask.
So, in short, option D is your final answer!
Hope this helps!
It's changeable
Before the microscope, Linnaeus classified organisms only separated in two kingdoms, while more were introduced later. So, they were only classified in two kingdoms, they can be changed and classified to more than two.
11)El ciclo del agua, conocido científicamente como ciclo hidrológico, se refiere al intercambio continuo de agua en la hidrosfera, entre la atmósfera, el agua del suelo, la superficie, el agua subterránea y las plantas. La ciencia que estudia el ciclo hidrológico es la hidrología.
12)Sabems que las etapas del ciclo hidrológico son las siguientes:
Las implicaciones que tienen para la vida cada una de las etapas son:
Evaporación, se reduce el nivel de los ríos, los lagos pequeños se seca, y se eleva la temperatura del ambiente.
Condensación, Es el proceso en el cual se forman las nubes, por lo que la luz solar disminuye.
Precipitación, produce nuevamente el aumento de los niveles de rios y lagos, y la disminución de la temperatura.