Meningitis is an infection of the membranes, meninges that surrounds and protects the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord). Bacterial meningitis must be treated immediately with intravenous antibiotics and sometimes corticosteroids and, of course, the antibiotic depends on the type of bacteria causing the infection.
First of all, to prevent the spread of bacterial meningitis it is important to practice good hygiene, such as frequent handwashing. Since the factors that increase the risk include spending time in communities (school, campus or college) because it spreads easily, children should be aware and vaccinated. As several types of bacteria can cause bacterial meningitis, a range of vaccines is wide (e.g. meningococcal vaccine, Hib vaccine).
A research paper published in cardiovascular research journal stated that Increased filtration in capillary will increase fluid in lungs which can cause rales.
Huang, Wenxin, et al. "Capillary filtration is reduced in lungs adapted to chronic heart failure: morphological and haemodynamic correlates." Cardiovascular research 49.1 (2001): 207-217.
<span>The fungi Basidiomycota is used for producing mushrooms, which are used as edibles by humans. Mushrooms are the reproductive structures of these fungi, and are rich source of many nutrients. Some mushrooms are highly poisonous also. Therefore, species should be identified before cultivation of the mushrooms.</span>
Answer is: <span>chemosynthesis.
</span>Difference between chemosynthesis and photosynthesis is: chemosynthesis is conversion of carbon molecules (CH₄ or CO₂<span>) into organic matter using the </span>oxidation of inorganic compounds (H₂, H₂S, CH₄) as a source of energy, while in photosynthesis organisms to use light energy as a source of energy.
At this point air cannot hold more water in the gas form.