The First Amendment is widely considered to be the most important part of the Bill of Rights. It protects the fundamental rights of conscience—the freedom to believe and express different ideas--in a variety of ways. Under the First Amendment, Americans have both the right to exercise their religion as well as to be free from government coercion to support religion.The Second Amendment is the only place in the Bill of Rights where Congress’s capacity to “regulate” appears in plain language. Our forebears clearly believed that freedom involved not only ensuring that the government would not have a monopoly on guns, but also that we would carefully regulate our weapons.
hope this helps
Spanish conquistadors
The Maya civilization was not its peak, but it was a civilization on the demise when the Spanish came, while the Inca civilization was at its golden days. The Spanish conquistadors didn't really cared about these civilizations and their advancements, instead they only wanted their wealth, territory, and labor force. The Spanish were merciless toward the native people, and both the Maya and the Inca suffered great losses, as well as destruction of their empires, and neglect of their culture. The Spanish imposed their own culture, religion, language, political system over them and forced them to assimilate, making big damage on their cultural heritage that was built for thousands of years.
Joseph Stalin was a strong, ambitious, brutal, and practical state-man, a man of action and politics. Stalin, born under the name of Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, of Georgian and poor origin, was raised as a street boy by a drunken and violent father. He forged a strong character and a corpulent body, without a very persuasive speech, although a very clever mind. He was patient and reflexive, very smart for politics. Stalin wanted very well trained and disciplined revolutionary professionals, a body of bureaucrats for the Soviet Union.
Lev Trotsky was totally the opposite. Born under the name of Lev Davidovich Bronstein, son of wealthy landowner Jewish parents, he developed a distinguished and very well educated character, he was elegant, but also fanatic enough to lead the masses. Unlike Stalin, he was not only a politician but also a Marxist intellectual and was less methodic and patient than Stalin. Trotsky wanted a not very well organized party of masses and the triumph of the permanent revolution. He wanted to export the revolution worldwide and not keep it limited to one country only.
Vladimir Lenin, born under the name of Vladimir Ilich Ulianov, was in the middle between both characters. He was the basis of the Russian Revolution. He had brilliant political intelligence and ambition, and he was a Marxist intellectual as well. After his death in 1924, the movement was divided between Trotsky and Stalin, and finally, the Soviet Union was lead by Stalin who sent Trotsky to exile. Trotsky died in 1949, killed by spies sent by Stalin to Mexico, where Trotsky was exiled.
Henry Ford increased the production and sale of automobiles by introducing an assembly line and low prices.