Impeaching the president. i know this because i’ve learned about this before,and because it happened to us this year with our current president.
My uncle George's favorite kind of food is Mexican food therefore we will have burritos when he comes to visit.
The words marked in bold are those that must begin with a capital letter. That's because capital letters must be the first letter of the first word of a sentence. In addition, names of people, places and nationalities must also begin with a capital letter.
The best thing to do in this situation is STUDY!
My personal recommendations would be to
A ) Make the subject shorter, like "Reason for Absence" or "My Absence"
B ) Make the email more formal. (You don't have to copy my recommendation word for word but if you want to or use it for reference that works):
"Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening Mrs. __,
I hole you're have a lovely morning/afternoon/evening. Today I was absent and I apologize for the inconvenience. The class meeting didn't appear on my canvas courses and I couldn't find a zoom link. If there's anywhere I can find either one for the future please let me know and again I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
He orders the bins in the store-shed to be filled with sand, hidden beneath a layer of grain and meal, and then shows them to Mr. Whymper.
Explanation: He wanted to fool him into thinking that the farm has plenty of food.