FAD's and LAD's would differ if we focused on dinosaurs within a certain region because of migratory patterns. Similarly, focusing on species levels would decrease the available data.
FADs or First appearance datum is a term used by scientists to refer to the first appearance of a species. Like-wise, LAD is used to refer to the last appearance of a species in the record.
If we were to focus on dinosaurs within a certain region, the FAD's and LAD's may be quite different. This is due to the migratory patterns of certain dinosaurs. Perhaps a certain species has a much more distant FAD or LAD in one region than it does in another because that dinosaur may have taken many years to wander to another region of the Earth.
Like-wise, limiting our search to a species level can impact the LAD or FADs. The taxonomy hierarchy is as follows:
- species
- genus
- family
- order
- class
- phylum
increasing in scope, Domain is the level that holds the highest variety of organisms. In contrast, species is the most specific, so limiting our data to a single species level would greatly affect the LADs and FADs because it lowers the number of dinosaur species that we take into account.
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Tropical Rain Forests
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