What always happens during active reading is A. The reader is engaged with and thinking about a text.
The definition of <em>active reading is reading something with attention, engagement, and determination to understand it.</em> When the reader engages critically with the content, asking himself or herself assessment questions during his or her reading, writing down key-words and pondering about the content, he or she is reading actively. <em>It consists of a comprehension technique that necessarily depends on the reader's engagement with the text.</em> Therefore, the correct answer is A.
The correct answer couldn't be <em>B. The reader is reading a piece of literature aloud.</em> Reading aloud is <em>one of the techniques used in active reading, but it isn't necessary and it doesn't always happen during active reading.</em> Some people use this technique in order to focus better. Some people prefer reading silently, but use other techniques to engage with the reading. So, the correct answer couldn't be B.
The correct answer couldn't be <em>C. The reader is thinking about an author's other works</em>. Collecting research information and data from an author's other works<em> can help the reader engage and have more ideas about the text he or she is reading, but it is not something necessary to read actively,</em> therefore, it doesn't happen always during active reading. Thus, the correct answer couldn't be C.
The correct answer couldn't be <em>D. The reader is summarizing a text. Summarizing a text is just another technique</em> used to engage with the text. There are <em>many different techniques used to read actively</em>, and summarizing is one of them. Not everybody uses the same techniques because everyone's learning process is different. T<em>hey don't have to use the same techniques, as long as they engage and read critically in order to understand the content</em> of what they are reading. Hence, the correct answer couldn't be D.
“How did Faulkner pull it off?” is a question many a fledgling writer has asked themselves while struggling through a period of apprenticeship like that novelist John Barth describes in his 1999 talk "My Faulkner." Barth “reorchestrated” his literary heroes, he says, “in search of my writerly self... downloading my innumerable predecessors as only an insatiable green apprentice can.” Surely a great many writers can relate when Barth says, “it was Faulkner at his most involuted and incantatory who most enchanted me.” For many a writer, the Faulknerian sentence is an irresistible labyrinth. His syntax has a way of weaving itself into the unconscious, emerging as fair to middling imitation.
While studying at Johns Hopkins University, Barth found himself writing about his native Eastern Shore Maryland in a pastiche style of “middle Faulkner and late Joyce.” He may have won some praise from a visiting young William Styron, “but the finished opus didn’t fly—for one thing, because Faulkner intimately knew his Snopses and Compsons and Sartorises, as I did not know my made-up denizens of the Maryland marsh.” The advice to write only what you know may not be worth much as a universal commandment. But studying the way that Faulkner wrote when he turned to the subjects he knew best provides an object lesson on how powerful a literary resource intimacy can be
was an American poet, humorist, journalist, and politician in the Creek Nation. He founded
A general theme of "By the Waters of Babylon" is Exploration.
<span>This story is a short story of a young man who lived in a "post-apocalyptic" community. He decides to leave the village where he lives and sets out to explore the world. His biggest struggle is against his own fears and real or imagined external threats. He also understands that the only way to conquer his own fears and become a better person is to explore the world around him, and his responses to the world around him. </span>
Trey is the third child of a family. Since families in the story are limited to only two children, third children are illegal and are immediately captured, jailed, or killed by the Population Police, a group organized to enforce the "third child law." Trey lived with his parents until his father's death. He was taught by his father and excels academically. However, when his father died, his mother dropped him off at a school, saying it wasn't safe for them to be together. Trey struggles with abandonment issues and can't decide if he's angrier at his mother, his father, or himself.
As the story opens, Trey is trying to make contact with a man that he and some other children believe will help him, Mr. Talbot. But before Trey can gain entrance into the house, the Population Police arrive and he narrowly escapes capture. Trey's friends escape and he lives in fear over the coming days, hiding out in the house that is now abandoned.
Trey then meets Mark, the older brother of Trey's friend, Lee, who is also an illegal third child. Mark learns that Lee has probably been captured and sets out to rescue his brother, demanding Trey's cooperation. They arrive at the house they believe will lead them to Lee only to discover it's been taken over by the Population Police. Mark attempts to get inside but is captured. Trey asks to join the Population Police as a means of getting into the house. Once he is there, he finds Mark locked in a cage but eventually makes a deal with a soldier to trade Mark's freedom for Trey's efforts to free a friend of the soldier. Trey, still disguised as a Population Police officer, sets out to do so but the road to success is filled with problems. He is attacked twice by mobs of hungry people and arrives at the prison only to discover the prisoner he's helping free as part of his deal with the soldier turns out to be Mr. Talbot. The soldier is a rebel working against the Population Police from inside.
Lee is also released and the boys, along with another soldier who helps them escape, arrive at a secret house where another friend, Mr. Hendrix, has been left alone because the police believe he can't possibly survive. Trey struggles with the idea that he's acted bravely when necessary despite his self-image as a cowardly person. Trey discovers a list of one hundred other third children and determines to volunteer for the Population Police with the hope that he can mount attacks from within. He believes the children themselves are the key to eliminating the Population Police. He's joined by several of the others, including Mark, who promises to join them as soon as he recovers from a broken leg.