As for other spacing, it's traditional to double space between the date and the salutation, double space after the salutation, and triple space for the signature. However, it's fine to only double space after the date, especially if doing so will save the letter from running on to a second page.
You can't really say it matters whether it's short or long
There several coding language some short and some long with different purposes so it doesn't really make a difference
Although some coders have been able to shorten some codes so I'd say shorter is faster and be[er and easier to memorize
Thanks hope I was helpful
A program is a set of instructions that a computer executes.
An algorithm is a set of instructions that must be done in order to get some result.
If an algorithm is written in a programming language, then the program is an implementation of the algorithm.
An algorithm must not, however, be a program. An algorithm can also be performed manually (e.g. calculate 6431 + 8316 on paper or in your head).
<span>d. select information is sent to the search engines database to be indexed. </span>
The following statement is False.
Because asper textbook there are only one main criteria against the test documents that find on the internet i.e., authorship. So, that's why the following given statement is false. The graphic and the interactivity depends on the quality of the document this options do not come under the criteria to test the document.