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Recent evident has shown that grapes and raisins can actually have a <u>negative effect</u> on the health of dogs that eat them
<u>Grapes, which is a fruit of grapevines is eaten by many people as a result of its medicinal purpose or for the processing of wine drinks from it.</u> Althogh it has been established to have benefits towards humans in regards to high blood pressure, diseases of heart and blood vessels, high cholestrol, it is also a known fact from studies that, there are allergic reactions to grapes which include stomach upset, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, cough, dry mouth, sore throat, infections e.t.c
<em>Due to the fact that dogs and humans shares similar body system internal workings, the studies was extended to dogs with the results showing that grapes and raisins also has negative effects on the health of dogs as obtainable in humans. One of the effect on dogs happens to be kidney failure.</em>
Answer: Perhaps it’s safe to say that most people want to be happy. They want to enjoy being here in this big, crazy, confusing world. But too many people struggle with being truly happy. They can’t seem to find happiness in life. To them, it is something that doesn’t just come naturally. Fortunately, there are plenty of strategies people can use to create happiness, or at least strive for it. It really depends on one’s desire always to feel joy, to feel gratitude even when it is difficult to find, to have the right people by the side, and an exciting job – or at least a hobby – that they feel good about doing, that somehow brings meaning, direction, and purpose into their lives. Happiness doesn’t happen out of anywhere – it has to be worked on; it has to be produced, created, discovered, built from the ground up. And it has to be a decision in one’s mind: the decision to be happy. The procedure is quite simple, believe it or not. One must have a conviction to be happy no matter what trouble life throws at them. Sometimes, life can undoubtedly disrupt a person’s happiness, getting in the way of them enjoying every day of it, with all the countless and never-ending mishaps and suffering. Happiness is a special feeling, something that comes to those who expect it and, therefore, deserve it. Having gratitude – the quality of being thankful; a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness – is another way people of all cultures cultivate happiness. Instead of focusing their mental and spiritual energy on negative things, like bills, financial problems, health issues, happy people focus on being alive and not decrepit, having people to love and support them, waking up in the morning, having a purpose of pursuing, being able to breathe and think and eat and pray and love. They are grateful for anything and everything. Happy people make gratitude a daily habit, even a ritual.
Explanation: I really hope your day gets better think about the times that have made you happy. Go and teat yourself to something special BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT!!