The Renaissance, therefore, encouraged the mastery of all disciplines, from philosophy to science to history and the arts (in particular visual arts). Six additional ideals formed under the Renaissance man: humanism, individualism, skepticism, versatility, secularism, and classicism.
This is part of what's wrong with you -- you do too much singing. Today it's time to stop singing and start swinging. You can't sing up on freedom, but you can swing up on some freedom.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton is an abolitionist who worked for the women suffrage movement. She is also an eloquent writer as she framed the declaration of sentiments which expressed the grievances and the importance of women rights in the society.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton took up law and got specialized in that subject. She enjoyed law books and debating with her father’s law clerks. She was formally educated which was considered to be common during the time of gender bias which prevailed in those times. She was well versed in Latin, Greek and mathematics and she had won various academic awards. She encountered female discrimination in Johnstown where she completed her studies. Her early years gave her the knowledge and the power to voice out against gender bias which she considered to be a social evil in the American society.
She was attracted to many women temperance and abolitionist movements. She married a reformer Henry Stanton. She married him by taking a oath which had the word 'obey' omitted. She is a feminist and considered that females are equal and more than that when compared to men emotionally. They both attended the anti-slavery convention in London where she was supporting the local women who were being kept aloof from political events and after which they settled in Seneca Falls. She framed the Declaration of sentiments which highlighted and echoed the grief of women for being kept aside in the society without being given the equal rights as mentioned in the constitution.
Because old people like baskets because it makes them think of they're childhood
because and because
the person above me is wrong