It might be said that the first lesson of the poem is to float on one´s back (option A) It seems that a father is teaching his daughter to swim on her back. This can be inferred by the use of certain words such as "Lie back daughter" "spread your arms wide". It also might be understood that the lesson is deep that that, It might suggest a father letting her daughter go, letting her be because she is going to be safe.
Maybe compare and contrast online schooling to regular schooling, then lead into the idea that online schooling provides you with many more resources than just a teacher could, plus it allows for a different learning style. Then conclude with your main point and maybe one fact about it
“Locked away in the attic.” is most definitely a fragmented sentence. There is no subject given, so we don’t know what is locked away in the attic. The sentence does not make sense in that context, therefore it is a sentence fragment.
An essay is, generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument.