Have a nice day . <3
Andrew Jackson's presidential campaign was full of controversy. His candidacy still resulted in him becoming the seventh President of the USA. The Coffin Handbills were a series of pamphlets attacking Andrew Jackson during the 1828 United States presidential election. Jackson was running against incumbent John Quincy Adams. The campaign was very dirty, with multiple attacks on the character and ... The accusations greatly angered Jackson, which he responded to by writing ...Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. Known as the "people's president," Jackson destroyed the Second Bank of the United States, founded the Democratic Party, supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans. I hope this helped you in a way <3
The Powhatan natives helped out the colonists of James town, and at first the colonists were grateful, but then it changed because the colonists started to treat the natives like slaves, also in 1609, 400 more settlers came to Jamestown, as a response the natives attacked the colonists.
They made the European community unite against Napoleon.
One the one hand , we have the revolutionary vision of Napoleon of bringing new ideas into neighbouring and distant European nations. Napoleon himself declared_"I wished to found a European system...a European Code of Laws, ..: there would be but one people in Europe," With the Napoleonic Wars, the nations had to assemble in order to balance power, thus, giving birth to famous treaties and conventions such as the Treaty of Paris and Vienna. With increasingly many political opponents, the Europeans tried to banish the specter of Napoleon and its influence so either from the perspective of Napoleon or his opponents, a common European space was born.
The United States Government
Following World War II, Japan was overseen by Douglas MacArthur acting as a Military Governor for the nation.