It's already gone Ig......
D. She is overwhelmed by her feeling of drifting aimlessly.
The comparison by her tries to shows that, as the ships drifts aimlessly on the surface of the sea without direction when left alone, that is how her life is exceedingly overwhelmed with no sense of direction. She is agitated due to that fact.
One stormy afternoon Violet Blue sat down at her desk and started to draw. Violet loved to draw. It was her number 1 passion. Violet was an amazing drawer, too good for her age even, but what Violet’s parents failed to realise was that she had a hidden talent, an incredible one. Violet went to a Catholic School and was a kind soul, all she wanted was to be challenged doing something she loved – Drawing!
The next day Violet walked to school with the same old bored expression on her face. Violet really hated school, the only reason she even went was 1. Her parents paid for it and 2. To see her friends.
When Violet was little she used to love school but when she started having to use her brain she totally forgot how much fun kindy was.
When Violet left assembly she was stunned, the Principal had just announced that the director of the National Art School was coming to their school to hand pick 5 students and give them the opportunity to transfer over to the National Art School on Monday. That meant that Violet only had the weekend to practice. But Violet wasn’t nervous, she knew she was a good drawer.
When Monday finally came around everyone in the school was buzzing with excitement. The director came in the middle period and told their class to draw a tree ‘Ha, easy’ thought Violet and it was. At afternoon assembly the director announced the 5 people and gradually Violet was one of them.
She raced home to tell her parents the good news. They were amazed. Her parents sat her down and asker her in their most serious voice if she really wanted to transfer and sure enough she did.
Violet had to start saying her goodbyes ASAP. She also had to buy a new uniform which her parents were not too pleased about but Violet promised she would make it up to them.
When the day to say goodbye finally came Violet was in tears. When she eventually got a hold of herself, she started to feel excited about her new adventure.
That Monday she started at her new Art School and she realised she was the only one from her old school who had transferred but she didn’t’ care. She was happy now, she was being challenged in something she loved to do.
Many years later Violet became a world famous artist and also a millionaire but most importantly she was finally living the life she wanted to live. There couldn’t have been a more happy ending, or could there??? Her hidden talent had been exposed to the world.
The End.