¿Qué hizo Francisco cuando la maestra hablaba? ... El listón de azul de seda para el dibujo.
ill do it
las chicas Nececitamos
los chicos llevaron
usted buscando
you sing/tu cantas
we ask/nosotros preguntamos
they clean/ellos limpian
the boys study/los chicos estudiaron
they practice/ellos practicaron
she works/ella trabaja
she practice at noon/ella practica a medio dia
I help teach Spanish Monday/ Voy a ayudar a enseñar español
the boys cleans for the teacher/Los chicos limpian para el maestro
marina wants her books/ Marina quiere sus libros
Eliza and I are eating breakfast / Eliza y yo estamos desayunando
we arrive in Chicago/ llegamos a chicago
hope it helps/espero te sirva :3
1- Afirmativa:Ustedes eligieron Pescado con Arroz
negativa:Ustedes no eligieron pescado con arroz
2- afirmativa: usted Frie los pescados
negativa: Usted no Frie los pescados
3-Afermativa:El gato le miente al ratón
Negativa: El gato no le miente al ratón
4- afirmativa: Juan tu pides Pollo
Negativo: Juan tu no pides Pollo
5-Afermativa: El mesero nos sirve el postre.
negativa: El mesero no nos sirve el postre.
6-Afermativa : Mi amiga elige el gato feo.
Negativa: Mi amiga no elige al gato feo
The national currency of Ecuador is. Many people visit the Galapagos Islands to see (to see). It is not the capital, but it is the largest city in Ecuador. Charles Darwin studied (studied) species that inspired his ideas on evolution in. It is a perfect place to do (to do) trekking for its volcanoes, valleys, plants and animals. Oswaldo GuayasamÃÂn was Ecuadorian very famous in the world. they are main themes of the work (artwork) of Oswaldo GuayasamÃn. It is the capital of Ecuador. You can be in the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere at the same time (at the same time) in. Trekking is a very popular sport.