someone who is brave and willing to spare their life to save someone and a hero usually stops at no rest to save people
Correct answer choice is :
2) The Soviet Union’s surprising launch of Sputnik into Earth’s orbit
The Space Race leads to the 20th-century contest among two Cold War opponents, the Soviet Union and the United States, for dominance in spaceflight ability. The Space Race starts in 1957 and the U.S. and the Soviet Union are clasped into the Cold War. The Soviet Union has just begun the world's first satellite, Sputnik. Afraid of Soviet military control of space, the Americans immediately ready a rocket.
This region was also politically unstable as there were different ethnicities and there was also rising nationalism in the region. Nationalism brought about tensions. There was also rising Serbian nationalist groups. Combined with the brinkmanship of the European Powers the area became a fuse to the powder keg that Europe had become. The Balkans has strong Cultural, Religious, and language ties to the surrounding Empires but they were in small pockets making nation building difficult.