Neolitihic revolution refers to the revolution that transform mankind's lifestyle from hunting/gathering into agricultural.
In an agricultural society, each member need to coordinate with one another in order to determine land's ownership and trading regulations.
Because of this, a mediator such as government is needed in order to make everything fair.
The greatest thing that the nation had to do was get through the Great Depression. The Depression was the thing that was hurting everyone.
What different types if scandals plagued the Grant administration? Black Friday, Crédit Mobilier, and the Whiskey Ring.
Explanation: This is pretty simple try and do a little research next time! There is a whole wiki on this. So please don't come here just to get answers.
Im not able to answer all of these questions but I hope this will help you. :)
The Kingdom of Israel was established in 1050 BC.
Nebuchadnezzar conquered Judah in 586 BCE.
Moses led the Hebrews out of Egypt.