Precipitation varies greatly, from an average of less than five inches annually over the Great Salt Lake Desert (west of Great Salt Lake), to more than 40 inches in some parts of the Wasatch Mountains. The average annual precipitation in the leading agricultural areas is between 10 to 15 inches, necessitating irrigation for the economic production of most crops. However, the mountains, where winter snows form the chief reservoirs of moisture, are conveniently adjacent to practically all farming areas, and there is usually sufficient water for most land under irrigation. The areas of the State below an elevation of 4,000 feet, all in the southern part, generally receive less than 10 inches of moisture annually.
Northwestern Utah, over and along the mountains, receives appreciably more precipitation in a year than is received at similar elevations over the rest of the State, primarily due to terrain and the direction of normal storm tracks. The bulk of the moisture falling over that area can be attributed to the movement of Pacific storms through the region during the winter and spring months. In summer northwestern Utah is comparatively dry. The eastern portion receives appreciable rain from summer thunderstorms, which are usually associated with moisture-laden air masses from the Gulf of Mexico.
Snowfall is moderately heavy in the mountains, especially over the northern part. This is conducive to a large amount of winter sports activity, including skiing and hunting. While the principal population centers along the base of the mountains receive more snow, as a rule, than many middle and northeastern sections of the United States, a deep snow cover seldom remains long on the ground.
Runoff from melting mountain snow usually reaches a peak in April, May or early June, and sometimes causes flooding along the lower streams. However, damaging floods of this kind are infrequent. Flash floods from summer thunderstorms are more frequent, but they affect only small, local areas.
Egypt's entrance into the Second Intermediate Period was caused by decentralization and quarreling, which left it helpless against assault by the Hyksos, who mounted a hostile that succeeded to a great extent due to the component of shock and their military leeway of steeds, chariots, and composite bows. The time of control by the Hyksos is recorded as "run by remote sovereigns" and at last offered path to the Middle Kingdom in the mid-1500s BCE, as Kamose and afterward Ahmose effectively crushed the Hyksos and drove them out of Egypt. In this way, Egypt tried to recapture the domain it had lost under the Hyksos and in the long run vanquished as far north as the Levant close Syria and south into Nubia.
External validity.
Whether the results of this study help us to understand the relationship between cell phone use during class lectures and work performance in real-life institutions is a question of <em>external validity</em>. Whether the conclusions of a scientific study can be applied to other institutions and other activities is a matter of external validity. External validity is the generalization of the results of a scientific study to other contexts.
There is a difference in performance
The women in Dynascan are being paid more than the men doing the same job. The performance of women is better than the those of men working in Dynascan.
Thus women are getting performance based wages. This is valid because the efficiency of the women is better than that of men. There is certainly a difference in the performance among men and women and so it is legal for Dynascan to pay more weekly salary than men because women are efficient worker.
A. Gold Nugget, gold hasn't been used since secretary of treasury Alexander Hamilton made a more reliable currency known as the US. Dollar. Other places soon caught on and began using paper money