Snails are present in most of the world, so it is not a surprise to discover that they dwell in diverse habitats. Some of them are comfortable in the desert while others live in ditches and cooler climates. These include mountain areas and even marshes
Solution a is the most acidic.
In a pH scale of 1 to 14, the smaller the pH is, the more acidic is. In opposite, the higher the pH is, the more alkaline it is. We call substances with pH below 7 as acid, and above 7 as alkali, while 7 as neutral.
Therefore, comparing the 4 solutions, solution a has the lowest pH, 3, so it is the most acidic.
There is three types of neurons occur. Sensory neurons typically have a long denfrite and short axon, and carry messages from sensory repeptprs to the central nervous system. Motor neurons have a long axon and short dendrites and teansmit messages from the central nervous system to the muscles.
The correct answer isoption b: it will be converted into lactate and build up in the bloodstream.
If i remember correctly asexual reproduction came first because without asexual reproduction the cells would not have been able to produce other cells so what few cells there were reproduced asexually and then it evolved onto sexual reproduction later in development