That is odd, maybe try reviewing it to get their attention for your web, plus on my screen it comes out regular, like how you said. Maybe try using it online or try using the app to see if it has gotten better.
This sentence does not have a subject. All sentences need to have a subject and predicate to be a complete sentence.
Excuse any spelling errors.
There is difference in time period between the original novel and radio versions of <em>The War of the Worlds</em>. (D) The novel was set in the late 1800s, while the radio version was set on the day it aired in the 1930s.
<u><em>The War of the Worlds </em></u><u>is a science fiction novel written by H.G. Wells,</u> an English author that lived during the late nineteenth century and the early twentieth century.<u> The novel was published in 1898 </u>and it tells the story of the protagonist and his brother, who are forced to deal with the Martian invasion. <u>The story is set in the late 1800s</u>. Moreover, <u>a radio adaptation of </u><u><em>The War of the Worlds </em></u><u>was directed by Orson Wells in 1938</u>. Although it is based on the novel<u>, the story in the radio version is set on the day it aired</u>.
Things Fall Apart illustrates many different aspects of Igbo culture. For one, it shows us on may occasions they way they view religion. They are polytheistic, which means they worship many gods. Their gods and goddesses govern different aspects of the world and daily life, such as the earth goddess, Ani.
Different rituals and customs go along with each god. We can see this in the week of peace, which is observed to honor Ani so she will bless the crops. In addition, some of the gods have Oracles. These are basically their mouthpiece on earth. The Oracles will sometimes be possessed by their god, and the god will speak through them and tell the clan what they need to do.
The novel also explores non-religious aspects of Igbo culture. For example, we see and hear about the different ceremonies and rituals that surround courtship and marriage. Men almost always have more than one wife, an important cultural aspect. We also see how the clan conducts aspects of war, and some of how they keep and enforce law and order. Over the course of the novel we get to see a wide array of different aspects of Igbo life and culture. Not sure if this is at least two hundred words but hope it helps.