It was caused by diseases
The people of the Americas had never been exposed to such infectious diseases as measles and smallpox. Without any resistance to those diseases, they were helpless and died in huge numbers. This is the most important impact of the exchange because of the fact that it was so devastating to the native population.
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One impact of the printing press was a general increase in literacy and education. This was because books suddenly became cheaper - until then they had to be hand-written, and so the monopoly on knowledge was generally in the hands of the church, who was responsible for re-writing books.
One indirect impact was the decrease of the power of the church, who no longer had the monopoly on knowledge.
the revival of an indigenous culture . nativist movements seek to prevent cultural change. Employment: Immigrants acquire jobs that would have otherwise been available to native citizens
He commanded the Continental Army during the American Revolution, led the convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution, and served as the country's first president