The opposite of sloppily in English would be cleanly or neatly - lo contrario de sloppily en inglés sería cleanly or neatly.
I am sorry to answer. But can you be more specific.
The detail that uses sensory words to describe Akela is:
C. out at full length on his rock.
Sensory words are words or phrases that appeal to one of more of our five senses: sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. Having that in mind, we can use elimination to answer this question:
A. a hilltop covered with stones and boulders - may appeal to sight, but does not refer to Akela. This option is incorrect.
B. who led all the Pack by strength and cunning - does refer to Akela, but does not appeal to any of the five senses. The words "strength" and "cunning" demand a different kind of interpretation from readers. This option is incorrect.
C. out at full length on his rock - this is the correct option. We can imagine Akela lying down on the rock; we can even see the position of his body because of this description. Imagine your dog or cat, for instance, lying down on the floor, with his/her belly's whole extension touching the floor.
D. from badger-coloured veterans - again, does appeal to the senses, but does not refer to Akela. This option is incorrect.
Ok i hope this example will be good enough but i watched this movie where this teen was a criminal cuz he kept stealing and had to join this group w/ some other teen criminals and they were playing chess and teaching them about the lesson of life of bad and good